James Joyce
Major works

James Joyce: Major publications

Here is a list of James Joyce's major works through which he transformed the landscape of 20th-century literature.

Whether innovative modernist prose or experimental literature, the list includes his most famous works (Dubliners, Portrait of the Artist, Ulysses, Finnegans Wake), but also his lesser-known poems and poetry collections.

Title Published by Date
"The Holy Office" Self-published by James Joyce as a broadside in 1904. Reprinted by Joyce in 1905 while living in Trieste. November 1904 - March 1905
Chamber Music Elkin Matthews May 1907
"Gas from a Burner" Self-published by James Joyce as a broadside in Trieste September 1912
Dubliners Grant Richards June 1914
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man B. W. Huebsch December 1916
Exiles Grant Richards May 1918
Ulysses Shakespeare and Company February 1922
Pomes Penyeach Shakespeare and Company July 1927
Collected Poems Black Sun Press 1936
Finnegans Wake Faber and Faber May 1939
Stephen Hero Jonathan Cape 1944
Letters, Vol 1 Stuart Gilbert 1957
Letters, Vol, 2-3 Richard Ellmann 1966
Critical Writings Ellsworth Mason and Richard Ellmann 1959
Giacomo Joyce Richard Ellmann 1968
Selected Letters Richard Ellmann 1975