James Joyce
A one-stop bibliography website

Dear Joyceans,

I launched this site in 2004. And I have been working and expanding this online ressource in an on-and-off-mode for almost 20 years.

So, after two decades serving anyone with an interest in James Joyce and his works, I felt that a fresh coat of paint was needed.

Still, at heart, this website is and remains a James Joyce bibliography website.

Silhouette of James Joyce walking over Ha'penny Bridge Dublin in the rain
james-joyce.de: Your James Joyce bibliography website

It contains more than 1000 books and articles on Joyce's major works, making it one of the most extensive ressources on the web for Dubliners, Portrait of the Artist, Ulysses and Finnegans Wake.

Besides the purely bibliographical material, I have received several very interesting contributions from American and German Joyce scholars, for which I am deeply grateful.

I am excited to share with you overview material like Essays on Ulysses or Essays on Finnegans Wake and two Essays on Dubliners I wrote at Trinity College.

I also collect Online lectures & courses from all over the internet.

Symposia and upcoming Bloomsday events are new sections and updated frequently.

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